juvenile coopers hawk in the grass The Saga
Rufous Hawk

Chapter 6

Waiting Time

May 11, 2014: Is a Family on the Way?

It is hard to tell what is happening at the nest, but clearly something is going on. Most of the time, no one appears to be at home, but occasionally we can see Roxie's tell-tale-tail sticking out of the nest. In the following photo, you can see the tail sticking out to the left side of the nest.
Tell-Tale Tail

Every morning, Rufous can be seen in the cypress tree from a vantage point that looks right into the nest. He is on guard.

Rufous has raucous arguments with the crows that frequent our neighborhood. And occasionally bluejays will torment him -- probably with good cause.

The hawks sometimes eat their meals in the cypress tree outside our window. It is a mystery to me why our lawn is not littered with feathers! I did find two Cooper's hawk feathers, however -- a tail feather and a wing feather. I hope this is a sign that the hawks are molting.

Rufous on Watch

May 24, 2014

At last there is a change in the nest. Roxie is sitting up higher in the nest, and we can actually see her. We are almost certain there are eggs in the nest, and it's possible they are beginning to hatch. She has also begun to perch at the side of the nest.
Roxie at Side of Nest

In the meantime, Rufous continues his vigil. Things have quietened down around the nest, however. When Rufous wants Roxie's attention, he announces himself with a single "kek." These birds have a secret that they aren't telling anyone!

Continue to Chapter 7: Do We Have Hatchlings?